The battle with mold in the bathroom is a real fight. As professional cleaning technicians, we often deal with the effects of the unsightly black stuff in the showers. It can be difficult to impossible to remove once it has ingrained itself into the grout and caulking. We have some great advice on how to clean and maintain the effects of mold in the shower on our website. In this article we offer up some great advice on how to help prevent it in the first place.

The most important thing to understand is that mold and mildew occur when an area or surface stays wet for a period of time. A biweekly or monthly cleaning cannot keep up with the consequences of a shower being damp for days at time. The trick is to try to keep it dried out.
There are several ways to help keep the moisture cleared out of the bathroom. Here are some suggestions.
Leave the shower door open after taking a shower.
Leave the bathroom door open after taking a shower. If it is the master bathroom, leave the master bedroom door open as well to air out the moisture.
Crack open the windows in the bathroom if there are any.
Keep a fan in the bathroom and leave it running. A free standing fan that can sit on the floor or a shelf/counter is your best investment in keeping the bathroom dry. A fan favorite is the Honeywell Turbo Force Table Air Circulator Fan. This fan is highly rated by consumers and costs around $17. This fan can be on high speed during and after a shower and is great for airing out and drying up the moisture. Aim it toward the open shower for best results. Keep the fan running on lower speeds once the shower has dried out, to keep the air flowing in the bathroom.
Hand dry the shower. You can do this with a squeegee and a towel, or just a towel. Honestly, we know the towel may not be the preferred option. Time is often a factor when we are taking a shower, and this method does take some time. However, even the quick use of only a squeegee on your shower door and walls will clear moisture out of the bathroom much quicker. An important consideration is that although the shower has been wiped dry, helping to prevent mold from forming, the rest of the bathroom is still moist and susceptible to mold forming in other areas.
Keeping mold and mildew out of the bathroom can be manageable if we remember to keep the bathroom aired out. For recurring maintenance in keeping those bathrooms cleaned, disinfected, and the mold at bay, contact us at: . “We Brighten Your Home and Free Up Your Time!”